About XenTech
XenTech is dedicated to accelerating the development of new anti-cancer therapies by providing with the most relevant science-driven preclinical services to our clients and partners.
XenTech pioneered the Patient-Derived primary tumor Xenograft models (PDX) approach and was one of the first CRO proposing this technology to the indsutry and oncology research community.
Our expertise and technology were forged on one of the world’s reference and most published PDX collection.
Our ambition is to foster therapeutic development in Oncology by offering an innovative translational platform, developing clinically relevant tumor models and addressing tomorrow’s needs in preclinical oncology research.
01Our company
XenTech is a spin-off of Institut Curie, France’s largest cancer research institute, where our scientists have published reference articles since 1989, providing the world’s first proof of concept for the development and use of PDXs.
With over 2500 studies carried out with industrial and academic partners, XenTech’s staff has a comprehensive knowledge of PDX based experimental pharmacology.
Our team ensures high quality research and ethical standards and is continuously working to keep up-to-date with new technologies.

01Our team
XenTech’s staff is composed of highly trained and dynamic researchers, engineers and technicians with a solid experience in experimental pharmacology, tumor xenograft models, as well as molecular and cell biology. The whole team works together to keep up with scientific and technical excellence and new technologies.
XenTech aim to comply with the highest quality standards. Our efforts translate into trust relationship and delivery of reliable data that meet the highest industrial standards.

01Our team

01Our values
XenTech aims to comply with the highest quality standards. Our efforts translate into trusted relationship and delivery of reliable data that meet the highest industrial standards.
PDX are not only models to study tumor progression, resistance and treatment. The use of PDX is tightly associated with a solid know-how, high ethical standards, and strong dedication. Thanks to its quality system and the dedication of its employees, XenTech provides the highest quality data for your experiments.
All studies are carried out within a modern state-of-the-art vivarium by our committed specialists with exceptionally strong scientific and technical expertise.
Our carefully selected and validated models are of high clinical predictivity. Thanks to the experience of our scientific team we are able to select the right model for you and offer high quality customized solutions specifically to your needs.
During the past 15 years, we have worked with worldwide clients of all size and delivered high-quality data for over 2500 in vivo studies.

01Our vision
- values
reproducing the biological features of human cancers in term of histology, genomics and proteomics
established concordance between patient and xenograft drug responses
molecular diversity of clinical disease
identification of responsive cancer types
biomarker exploratory studies for subsequent patient stratification